Health Examination
Every prospective hajj pilgrim must undergo and pass a health examination including a physical examination, blood test and other tests (if necessary). It is to find out the health status of the prospective hajj pilgrim and the status of the illness suffered by the prospective hajj pilgrim (if any).
Health examinations are crucial for verifying the health of prospective pilgrims and providing early treatment before their departure to the Holy Land. Those who pass the health examination should also receive the Meningococcal Quadrivalent ACYW-135 vaccine and other vaccinations required by the Saudi Arabian Government for the current Hajj Season.
Health examinations should be conducted by registered medical officers with TH / The Ministry of Health of Malaysia (KKM), using the Prospective Hajj Participant Health Examination Registration Number (NPPKBH). Vaccination injections can be administered by any certified medical officer.
Medical officers conducting health examinations and administering the Quadrivalent ACYW-135 vaccination must confirm the details of the examination and injection in the MyVAS system, a prospective hajj health examination application regulated by KKM.
List of Health Examination Checkpoint - Download the List of Health Examination Checkpoint for each state, here.
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