Hajj Artefacts Collection Campaign #MuziumHajiTH
Collection of Hajj Artefacts
Tabung Haji (TH) is in the process of establishing a Hajj Museum in Malaysia. Therefore, TH needs the support and cooperation of all parties who are in possession of any Hajj historical collectibles to join efforts together with TH in curating valuable artefacts to be placed in the museum so that they can become part of a history and benefit future generations.
Procedures for Collection and Submission of Hajj Artefact Collectibles
Procedures for the Collection and Submission of Hajj artefact Collectibles by Public/Individuals to the TH Hajj Museum
- The purpose of this information is to detail out the procedure of notification and submission of Hajj artefacts by members of the public/individuals to the TH Hajj Museum.
- The purpose of this information is to detail out the procedure of notification and submission of Hajj artefacts by members of the public/individuals to the TH Hajj Museum.
- The priority of donations is on historical items related to Malaysian Hajj History from the past to the present.
- Among the historical items that may be shared are as follows:
- Pictures/photographs of historical events related to the Hajj journey in Malaysia.
- Historical artefacts related to the history of Hajj.
- Hajj documents such as passports, Hajj visas, Hajj identification cards, Hajj promotional advertisements and others.
- Other collectibles that are considered relevant to the history of Hajj.
- Pictures/photographs of historical events related to the Hajj journey in Malaysia.
- The priority of donations is on historical items related to Malaysian Hajj History from the past to the present.
- Prospective Contributors are to send an email to the Hajj Historical artefacts Committee (th.jkartifakhaji@lth.gov.my) along with photos of the item(s) to be offered along with personal information i.e. home or mobile phone numbers. Upon approval by the Malaysian Hajj Historical Artefacts Committee, you will be contacted to send the item(s) to the nearest TH Branch Office.
- Prospective Contributors can also visit the nearby TH Branch Office to present the items. The TH Branch staff member will contact the Malaysian Hajj Historical Artefacts Committee to obtain approval.
- Gifts or offering from contributors; and/or
- Term or temporary loans from donors.
- Gifts or offering from contributors; and/or
Declaration Form
Click here to download the Hajj Artefact Declaration Inventory Form.
Frequently Asked Questions on Malaysian Hajj Historical Artefacts
- What is meant by the process of collecting Hajj historical artefacts?
The Hajj artefacts collection process refers to the procedure of applying and taking or handing over Hajj historical artefacts by the public/individuals to the Malaysian Hajj Museum. - Who is eligible to give Hajj historical artefacts?
Anyone who has artefacts related to Hajj. - What documents are required to collect Hajj historical artefacts?
A copy of document/letter of ownership or by filling in a special form prepared by the Hajj Historical Artefacts Committee.
- What is the method of collection and submission of Hajj historical artefacts?
Applicants can obtain complete information on the method of collecting and handing over artefacts through the Tabung Haji official portal or at the nearest Tabung Haji Branch office. - What type of hajj historical artefacts may be collected?
Types of artefacts that may be collected includes:-- Images/pictures of historical events related to Hajj journey in Malaysia and in the Holy Land.
- Historical artefacts related to the history of Hajj.
- Hajj documents such as passport, hajj visa, hajj identification card, hajj promotional advertisement and others.
- Other collectibles which are relevant with the history of Hajj.
- What is the process after approval has been obtained for collecting the artefacts?
Artefacts contributors will need to hand over the artefacts to the nearest Tabung Haji Branch Office
- When is the deadline for the artefacts collection?
The process of collection of the Hajj historical artefacts will end on 31 December 2025.