1. Health Screening |
1. |
What is the health screening process for the 1446H/2025 Hajj season? |
The health screening process for the 1446H/2025 Hajj season is as follows:
- Prospective Pilgrims (BH) receive the offer via THiJARI/email/short message system (SMS).
- BH undergoes a health screening at panel hospitals/clinics with certified health screening officers registered with the Ministry of Health (KKM) or Tabung Haji (TH).
- BH responds to the offer after passing the health screening.
- BH receives the mandatory vaccinations required by the Saudi Arabian Government.
- BH submits their passport and completes the subsequent processes.
2. |
What are the improvements in health screening for the 1446H/2025 Hajj season? |
- For the 1446H/2025 Hajj season, health screening records are managed digitally, replacing the Pilgrims’ Treatment Record Book (BRRJH).
- BH can access health screening and vaccination records through the MySejahtera app.
- Updates to health screening records are performed digitally, eliminating the need to visit TH branch offices with the BRRJH, as was required in previous Hajj seasons.
3. |
What documents do Prospective Pilgrims need to bring for health screening?
- BH only needs to bring their identification card and a copy of the Hajj offer letter.
4. |
When should BH undergo health screening? |
- BH can undergo health screening immediately after receiving the Hajj offer letter from TH and must complete it before the response deadline stated in the offer letter.
5. |
If BH does not have access to THiJARI, how can TH facilitate the health screening process? |
- BH must have a copy of the Hajj offer letter to undergo health screening.
- For those without access to THiJARI, assistance can be obtained from the nearest TH branch to retrieve the Hajj offer letter.
2. Health Screening Facilities |
6. |
How can BH find a list of facilities for health screening? |
- The list of health facilities (government and private) with health screening officers certified by TH is available on the TH website at (https://www.tabunghaji.gov.my/ms/pemeriksaan-kesihatan)
- The list is also accessible in the MySejahtera app under the ‘Health Facilities’ tab.
3. Hajj Vaccination |
7. |
Do BH need to complete both health screening and vaccination to respond to the offer? |
- BH only needs to pass the health screening to respond to the Hajj offer.
- Vaccinations must be taken immediately after passing the health screening to ensure proper immunization before traveling to the Holy Land.
- However, the vaccination can be completed anytime before the passport submission.
8. |
What vaccinations are mandatory for BH in the 1446H/2025 Hajj season as per the Saudi Arabian Government? |
Mandatory vaccinations for the 1446H/2025 Hajj season include:
- Meningococcal Meningitis ACYW-135 (MANDATORY);
- Seasonal Influenza (MANDATORY for individuals aged 65 and above or those with comorbidities or weakened immune systems. The latest dose must be taken in 2024/2025);
- Vaksin COVID-19. (MANDATORY for individuals aged 65 and above or those with comorbidities or weakened immune systems. The latest dose must be taken in 2024/2025); and
- Pneumococcal (ENCOURAGED).
*Update 6/12/2024 – BH who have passed their health screening are advised to obtain the Meningococcal Vaccine and Influenza Vaccine (if applicable) after passing the health screening. For the Covid-19 Vaccine, an official announcement will be made by TH and MOH once detailed information regarding its implementation is obtained from the Saudi Arabian Government (recognized vaccine types, dosage requirements, and others).
9. |
What should BH do if a clinic runs out of vaccine stock? |
- BH can receive mandatory vaccinations at any health facility, not necessarily at the certified health screening facilities registered with TH.
- BH should check with the facility about vaccine stock availability before visiting.
10. |
BH has received vaccination at a health facility; however, the facility did not record the vaccination details in the system, and BH did not receive the vaccination record in the MySejahtera app. What actions should BH take? |
- Vaccination details must be recorded in the MyVAS (MySejahtera) system to be accessible by TH.
- BH is advised to get vaccinated at facilities with MyVAS access for proper digital record updates.
- If vaccinations are performed at facilities without MyVAS access, BH must bring the vaccination documents to the certified health screening officer for manual entry into MyVAS
4. MySejahtera |
11. |
Do BH need to download the MySejahtera app to respond to the Hajj offer or perform Hajj rituals? |
- BH is strongly encouraged to download the MySejahtera app to declare medical history and complete mental health screenings before attending health facilities for Hajj screening.
- Through the app, BH can access health screening records, vaccination certificates, and other health education materials related to Hajj preparations.
- Health screening records are digitally shared with TH by the Ministry of Health.
- For responding to the Hajj offer, BH must use THiJARI.
5. Overseas Pilgrims (JHLN) (JHLN) |
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What should BH do if they cannot return to Malaysia for health screening within the stipulated time? |
- BH who cannot return to Malaysia to undergo health screening at certified facilities within the stipulated period must contact TH (Domestic Operations Division, Hajj Department) for further assistance.
For inquiries, you may contact:-
- Officer's Name : Haji Mohamad Amzar bin Mohamad Soberi
Phone: 03-2054 2372
Email : mohamad.amzar@lth.gov.my
- Officer's Name : Haji Mohd Ridzuan bin Yusoff
Phone: 03-2054 2387
Email : ridzuan2@lth.gov.my