The Hajj Advisory Committee (The Committee) consists of 8 religious scholars and academicians with skills and expertise in various Islamic knowledge and disciplines. The General Manager of Hajj Guidance acts as the Secretary to this committee.
The Committee is responsible for the following:
- Decides on order of the laws and regulations related to all issues pertaining to hajj.
- Makes recommendations to TH Management on issues related to hajj.
- Verifies the reviews on hajj publications issued by TH.
- Serves as the Hajj Consultants for the Malaysian hajj pilgrims groups to the Holy Land.
List of Committee Members
- Dato’ Setia Prof. Madya Dr. Haji Anhar Bin Haji Opir
- Sohibus Samahah Dato’ Paduka Haji Fadzil Bin Haji Awang
- Sohibul Samahah Datuk Prof. Madya Dr. Luqman Bin Haji Abdullah
- Dr. Hajah Shamsiah Binti Mohamad
- Ustaz Haji Burhanuddin Bin Lukman
- Sohibul Fadhilah Ustaz Haji Tajul Urus Bin Abdul Halim
- Dr. Mohd Sirajuddin Siswadi Putera Bin Mohamed Shith
- Prof. Madya Dr. Yasmin Hanani Binti Mohd Safian
JAKIM Representitive
- Dr. Hajah Taqwa Binti Zabidi
- Ustaz Haji Shahrin Bin Awaludin