Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) TH Khairat
No. | Question | Answer | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | What is TH Khairat? |
TH Khairat is a Takaful coverage plan which offered financial assistant to its beneficiaries in the event of death or total permanent disability of the depositor. |
2 | Who can register for TH Khairat and what is the eligible age limit? |
TH Khairat open to all TH depositor aged 30 days till 65 years old only (the next birthday).
3 | What is the amount of coverage offered for TH Khairat? |
The amount of coverage offered is RM 12,000 for the death or total permanent disability. |
4 | What is the subscription fee for TH Khairat? |
The subscription fee for TH Khairat is RM28 per year. |
5 | What is the process for payment of TH Khairat protection? |
The subscription fee will be automatically debited from the TH account annually as long as the Takaful certificate is not terminated. |
6 | What are the main requirements for registering for TH Khairat? |
The main requirements for TH Khairat registration are:
7 | Are there any other benefits besides financial assistance for the beneficiaries? |
Depositors can donate a portion of the coverage amount, namely RM2,000, as Infaq to charitable organizations appointed by the Takaful Operator. (Refer to No. 12) |
8. | Who are the appointed Takaful Operators responsible for managing TH Khairat? | TH, as the Certificate Holder, has appointed two Takaful Operators as follows:
Depositors can choose one of these Takaful Operators during the registration process to manage the TH Khairat certificate. |
9. | Can I register for both Takaful Operators, or can I only choose one Takaful operator? |
Each depositor can register TWO protection certificates with each Takaful Operator. Example:
Claim: The beneficiary is eligible to receive RM12,000 or RM10,000 (if Infaq is selected) for each certificate from the chosen Takaful Operator. |
10. | How to register for TH Khairat with both Takaful Operators or register more than one protection certificate? |
Depositors can choose the Takaful Operator during registration on THiJARI. One transaction can only register one protection certificate, meaning the depositor needs to make four separate registration transactions to register two certificates with both Takaful operators. |
11. | Is there a difference in benefits or subscription fees between the two appointed Takaful Operators? |
There is no difference in terms of benefits and subscription fees between the two Takaful Operators. |
12. | What are the organizations chosen by Takaful Operators to channel Infaq? |
Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Keluarga Berhad (STMKB)
Hong Leong MSIG Takaful (HLMT)
(Charity organizations or recipients of Infaq that are channeled are subject to the approval of the HLM Takaful Shariah Advisory Committee) |
13. | Is TH Khairat this Shariah compliant? |
Yes, TH Khairat is Shariah compliant and has been get the approval of the Shariah Advisory Committee TH. |
14. | Who can be appointed as beneficiaries? |
Depositors can appoint anyone as beneficiaries with the following conditions:
15. | When will my Takaful certificate be effective/commence? | The Takaful certificate will be effective based on the date of application submitted through THiJARI and subject to registration approval by the Takaful Operator. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
16. | How can I check the status of my TH Khairat? | The current status of TH Khairat registration or subscription can be checked on the THiJARI website/application through the "Check Status" menu. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
17. | What is the meaning of Waiting Period? | Depositors who join TH Khairat are subject to the Waiting Period as follows:
18. | How can I receive my Takaful certificate? | The Takaful certificate will be sent to the depositor's email by the Takaful Operator after the application is approved. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
19. | How do I renew my subscription every year? |
The renewal subscription for the TH Khairat will be automatically debited from the depositor's TH account within 30 days from the certificate's Takaful renewal anniversary date. |
20. | What if my account balance is insufficient or exceeds the eligible age limit? |
If the depositor's account balance is insufficient or has exceeded the age qualification at the renewal date, the Takaful certificate will be terminated immediately. For depositors who have exceeded their 65th birthday, Takaful protection and subsequent subscription payments will be automatically stopped immediately, depositors do not need to apply for certificate termination. |
21. | Will I get back the subscription fee was paid when the certificate Takaful terminated? |
No, subscription fees are non-refundable in the event of termination for any reason cause though. |
22. | If there is no death or permanent disability until I reach the age of 65 (over the age limit), can I get my subscription back? |
No, the subscription fee will not be refunded if the eligibility age limit has been exceeded. The subscription payment when the certificate is in effect is channeled to the Takaful operator which is collected as a donation in one fund for the purpose of compensating Takaful participants in need as agreed by the participants based on the Tabarru' contract. |
23. | How do I finish TH Khairat subscription? |
The depositor can terminate the TH Khairat subscription by informing or contacting the Takaful Operator selected/appointed by the depositor. |
24. | Can I change the beneficiary? |
Beneficiary information can be updated on the THiJARI website/application. |
25. | Apart from the RM12,000 protection benefit to the beneficiary, are there other additional benefits? |
If the depositor holding the TH Khairat protection certificate passes away while performing the Hajj (during the Hajj season) in the Holy Land, the benefit payment will be doubled to the beneficiary, making the total benefit amount RM24,000 for each protection certificate. Choosing Infaq: The beneficiary will receive RM22,000, and RM2,000 will be donated as Infaq. Not Choosing Infaq: The beneficiary will receive RM24,000. |
26. | How can the beneficiary make a claim? |
Click on the TH Khairat claim link on the THiJARI login page to download the claim form from the selected Takaful Operator. The completed form should be submitted directly to the respective Takaful Operator. |
27. | How will the claim payment be made to the beneficiary? | The claim payment will be credited to the beneficiary's TH account. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
28. |
What is the processing time for the claim payment to be credited to the beneficiary's account? |
The claim payment will be credited to the beneficiary's TH account within 30 days from the date of claim application along with the complete documents submitted to the Takaful Operator. |
29. |
I have registered for TH Khairat and at the same time, I have another registered Takaful certificate with a different Takaful Operator. If I experience total permanent disability, and I make a claim with that Takaful Operator, am I still eligible to make a claim with TH Khairat? |
Yes, you are eligible to make a claim with TH Khairat as long as the Takaful certificate is still valid. |
30. |
If an accident occurs outside the country and causes total permanent disability, am I eligible to make a claim? |
Yes, you are eligible to make a claim. |
31. |
Can I make multiple claims? |
Each registered protection certificate can only be claimed once. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
32. |
If I have further inquiries about the claim application, what information or contact numbers of the Takaful Operator can I reach? |
Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Keluarga Berhad
33. |
If I have general inquiries about TH Khairat, what contact number can I reach? |
For any inquiries, kindly contact Tabung Haji Contact Centre (THCC). Tel No. : 03-62071919 Email : Online : Live Chat at |