Wednesday, 4 September 2019
TH Johor paid a visit to the home of Allahyarham Haji Muhammad bin Nadina @ Nyadina’s family in Kampung Jawa, Segamat, Johor today at 12:30p.m. Allahyarham passed away in Makkah last September 4.
During the visitation, State Deputy Director, Mustafa Kamal bin Abdul Latif handed over contributions of funeral expenses money and zam-zam water as tokens to Allahyarham’s daughter, Suhana Muhammad. A short tahlil session was conducted; led by PEKTA TH Segamat, Ustaz Keni Bin Miskon.
The visit session intends to convey TH’s sympathy and compassion towards the family of the deceased for having to lose their loved one, while providing them with moral support.