Balai Berita


July 2018

July 06

6 July 2018 Keratan Akhbar |
Utusan Malaysia Hanya Yang Terbaik Untuk Tetamu Allah

July 06

6 July 2018 Keratan Akhbar |
Harian Metro Penentuan kuota haji tiada kaitan politik

July 06

6 July 2018 Keratan Akhbar |
Sinar Harian Johan, Badlisyah tamat kontrak di Tabung Haji

July 06

6 July 2018 Keratan Akhbar |
New Straits Times Population size determines haj quota, not politics

July 05

5 July 2018 Keratan Akhbar |
The Sun Haj Quota Stays

July 05

5 July 2018 Keratan Akhbar |
Kosmo TH Nafi Arab Saudi Kurangkan Kuota Jemaah Haji

July 05

5 July 2018 Keratan Akhbar |
The Malaysian Reserve Haj Quota Stays at 30,200 People, Says TH

July 05

5 July 2018 Keratan Akhbar |
Harian Metro Kuota Haji Kekal 30,200

July 05

5 July 2018 Keratan Akhbar |
Utusan Malaysia Laporan Sekat Kuota Haji Palsu

July 05

5 July 2018 Keratan Akhbar |
New Straits Times 'Haj Quota Remains the Same'